Occupy: What links Occupy and the Tea Party?

Posted by veritas on Nov 10, 2011 10:06:27 AM

As Emily and I were pulling up to City Hall in Philly, we noticed the Occupy tent village. The first big tent that I saw was bedecked with a very large Ron Paul sign. From what we witnessed ... Read More

Occupy: A Front Row Seat at the Revolution?

Posted by veritas on Nov 7, 2011 3:08:28 PM

During this last weekend, Emily and I slipped away and spent some time in Philadelphia. It was to celebrate the impending end of a decade long project called Omnibus! We planned our weekend to ... Read More


Posted by veritas on Jul 13, 2011 11:10:14 AM

I just finished Tom Holland’s excellent book on history of the demise of the Roman Republic called Rubicon. Anyone interested in the perils of our imperiled republic would do well ... Read More

Planning an Escape from Nixonland

Posted by veritas on Jun 6, 2011 9:32:27 AM

In a previous post I outlined some of the insights in the stunning book Nixonland by Rick Perlstein. In it, Perlstein deftly chronicles the unraveling of the American political center ... Read More

Rhetoric, Protest, Persuasion, and the Death of Democracy

Posted by veritas on May 25, 2011 3:00:13 PM

At the end of the school year, a sense of relief vibrates through many here at Veritas Academy. We look forward to reading, beaches, and yard work. We enjoy all of these things within the ... Read More

Democracy in the Middle East

Posted by veritas on Jan 31, 2011 3:02:08 PM

The biggest news on the world stage recently is the uprising of the people against the government in Egypt. There is a lot to be hopeful about in this, but there is a deep underlying problem. We, ... Read More

The Politics of Tragedy

Posted by veritas on Jan 14, 2011 1:53:29 PM

The tragic murders in Arizona during the attempted assassination attempt on the life of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords by a deranged man have resounded through our nation for the last week. They ... Read More

Thankful for our Representation

Posted by veritas on Dec 1, 2010 9:54:46 AM

I am so thankful for Gordon Denlinger, State Representative from the 99th district and Veritas Academy Board Advisor. He is returning his automatic cost of living increase in pay this ... Read More

Reflections on Veterans Day

Posted by veritas on Nov 12, 2010 9:43:36 AM

Today, we celebrated Veterans Day. We held a formal and solemn ceremony at Veritas Academy. I was blessed to be in attendance. Roger St. Germaine, an old friend and a godly example of courage and ... Read More

On the other side of the waterfall?

Posted by veritas on Nov 9, 2010 10:28:37 AM

This last Tuesday might have been an historic election in our country and state. Time will tell. There are a number of different possible outcomes concerning the election. We could see a return of ... Read More