The State of Education: Gov. Chris Christie

Posted by veritas on Dec 3, 2010 1:56:16 PM

Here is a interesting video from the recent EAG Conference on education. It is a video of Governor Christie from New Jersey. I think that a sea change is occurring in the public view of the public schools or at least of the teacher’s union. Here is the video:

The State of Education by Gov. Chris Christie

Listening to this, however, he is not against public education or against teachers—he is against bad teachers and against structures (like the teachers’ unions) that protect bad teachers. I think all of us—even good teachers in the public schools—should be against bad teachers who are coasting.

We, as a nation, really need to push more and more education into a market (rather than a tax) context. Let’s hope that American (private, Christian, and public school folks) get behind ideas like this.

Topics: Education, Economy, Politics