The “Jesus” Problem, Part 1

Posted by veritas on Aug 17, 2010 11:51:04 AM

Recently, I have hit upon a frightening truth. Jesus is getting in the way at Veritas Academy. No, we are not looking to kick Him out. In fact, we would like more of Him, but still He is in the way. Let me explain. Schools like Veritas Academy run like any other school. We buy books, pay teachers and rent, and buy sundry items (everything from computers to tissue paper). Most all of these things cost money. The school’s money comes from tuition and donations. We work hard for the money and people that pay tuition work hard to pay it to send their kids to Veritas. Also, we respectfully ask supporters to give to our school. Many do, and we are thankful for their support. We ask parents and grandparents and friends and alumni. We also ask businesses to support projects that we have. Many small businesses usually give. We also talk to larger businesses, however. On a number of occasions we have been able to make contacts at large businesses and as we discuss our school with them, they are fascinated. Often we talk with these businesses because they have grants that they offer or money that they can give to the school through our Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program. This wonderful program allows businesses to give money to scholarship needy students at schools like Veritas. On a number of occasions we have had someone at a larger business in a decision making capacity decide that they would like to support our work or our students.

Then, suddenly, the deal falls through. Why? As the supporter takes their idea to leaders of the corporation (I am imagining that the legal department is involved), someone stumbles upon the fact that we are a Christian school, then we are in the midst of the “Jesus” problem. The company gets cold feet because they do not want to risk being associated with a religious institution—particularly a Christian institution (I am betting that some of these companies happily give to Islamic groups). Jesus ends up being a stumbling block for them. Our contact is always sort of apologetic and shamefaced. They know that we were hoping for their support and they still love what we are doing, but it’s just that Jesus fellow.

This is not a note of personal frustration. God has been very gracious with our school. We had our greatest year of giving last year (remember that the economy was not the best). God continues to open doors for Rob Spykstra, our Development Director, and our supporters give graciously. I guess I just wanted to post this concern because our culture is increasing ushering Jesus off to the side. Businesses, large businesses, and governments do not want to be associated with Him, yet it is His teaching (and His power) that upholds their authority, and their freedom.

These organizations, however, do give. I was reminded of this in the news today. Here is the story:

Organizations Giving Support

Target made the mistake of giving money to a candidate that did not support homosexuality. Now, gays are protesting outside Targets and the company is negotiating how much penance they have to pay. Definite no to Jesus…He messes up the commerce in Sodom.

So, Christian organizations are not supported in our country because people either do not want to be associated with Him or because they are afraid of the price that they would pay because of the association.

Topics: Culture, Faith