The Ides of March and Education

Posted by veritas on Mar 17, 2011 11:18:07 AM

The Ides are a day for changes. You might have wondered why I have been quiet over the last few weeks—so much has been going on. I will be back at it again. Note, there will be a few changes in the blog. First, I am going to be talking a lot more about what is going on and what will be going on at Veritas Academy. I have been knee (sometimes neck) deep in doing strategic planning at the school. I am going to start to lay our vision of the future out here in the blog. I welcome your feedback. Also, I am going to try to give you a view of what is going on—sometime really amazing things—at Veritas Academy. I will also post about all that is going on in the world—especially the educational world.

Today, I woke to find that the Hempfield teachers are possibly the smartest in the state. Teachers in many districts have turned down pay freeze proposals. Hempfield was smart enough to accept it—overwhelmingly. I have family members that teach in the district and my hat is off to them. They, unlike every other district that has considered this so far in PA, realize that this is not about 3% this year, nor is it about protecting hard fought collective bargaining rights (actually they are protecting these things by taking the freeze). It is about the survival of public education in PA. Honestly, the next five years are going to be interesting. Things could look radically…and I mean radically…different just five (maybe even three) years from now.

Topics: Education, Economy, Local News