The Beginning and the End

Posted by Ty Fischer on Sep 3, 2012 11:18:59 AM

It has been a wonderful summer and I can not wait to get back to work!

I finished my last books of the summer this morning. I would highly recommend Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose and, of course, Milton's Paradise Lost.

I have to say more about both in the future.

Why am I excited about this year? There are numerous challenges. Some of them are massive and look intractable, but God is gracious and I think I see my tasks more clearly...and I like them. This begins the 17th year of Veritas Academy. If we were a person, we could almost vote. It is my 16th year as Headmaster. I see (more clearly) some of my own and my school's shortcomings. Most of them result from immaturity (mainly my own, but also the institutions) and from naivety. I also see, more clearly I think, what we have accomplished and are in the process of accomplishing. We have made a school and by God's grace it is still a school. Its focus is on academics. It accomplishes that task slightly better each year. It produces alumni who are (in the main) cultural literate, highly employable, driven, caring, Christian worldview thinking, delightful people. Not all of them believe all that I want them to believe (they might correct my thinking in the future). None of them are exactly like I thought that they would be, but mainly they are better. Much of the success of Veritas Academy has to do with the parental support that our students receive (Veritas Academy serves families--not vice-versa). Some of the success and much of the distinctiveness, however, has to do with our faculty, our curriculum, and our philosophy...above all of this is God's grace.

If He continues to be gracious, we will work to produce more and more good fruit. I believe (against all laws of grammar) that you ain't seen nothing yet!

Topics: Education, Culture, Faith