Talk Softly and Carry a Big Debt

Posted by veritas on Jan 27, 2011 9:48:20 AM

If you were wondering what unbelievable levels of debt sold to the Chinese means, answers were offered by President Obama’s reception of the Chinese President Hu. President Obama did talk about human rights, but the comments that I saw were far from strident. They were all that we could afford to say to the country that holds a good portion of our debt. We have lived beyond our means. Now, we cannot speak truth to wicked nations. Welcome to the beginning of slavery. We need to quickly change our tune. Right now, it seems, we have no moral ground on which to stand. The Chinese Communists might be more capitalist than us. They are aborting mountains of children; we probably can’t match them. The temptation is to feel that “in the dark night of sin all cats are gray”. This was the feeling I got from President’s Obama’s interview. “We call the Chinese to honor human rights. Which are principles embedded in their Constitution.”

The borrower is slave to the lender. We are the borrower.

Topics: President Obama, Faith, Economy, Stewardship