Strategic Plan: Another Opportunity to Help

Posted by veritas on Oct 24, 2011 8:46:34 PM

Dear Families,

Recently, I learned of an upcoming opportunity for families at our school to host some students from overseas for two weeks in the Spring of 2012. I need to respond quickly to let the mission organization (represented by our own Karen Kuch) know quickly whether we would be interested in hosting these students. Saying “yes” now does NOT commit you to doing it, but to considering it. This hosting would entail providing food and lodging for two students for two weeks. Most of the students will be from China and some might be from families that are considering working with the missions organization to send their child here to America for schooling at a Christian school like Veritas. They will be visiting classes here at Veritas for some of the days during their visit.

I think that this is a great opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ and to show hospitality to and to learn from students from another culture. It also helps our school and is part of our strategic plan. One of our goals is to fill our school with good students. Most of our recruitment efforts are, of course, local. In our strategic plan, however, we are also aiming to attract a few students from overseas. Here is a snippet from our strategic plan (see the bold):

Fill Veritas Academy with good students

Our mission statement says that Veritas Academy is "cultivating loving, serving, thinking students through classical Christian education." Our goal is to do this excellently. We limit our classroom size so that our teachers can invest themselves deeply in the lives of their students. It is crucial therefore, for our mission (which calls us to work with students) and our financial health that we fill our classes with good students—students that can and will grow in love, service, and thought during their time at Veritas. We need to reach out to our community and abroad to find good students to fill our classes. During this last year, Veritas, working with American Home Life, has become eligible to receive students from overseas coming to study in America. We want to become more effective at retaining our students and attracting new ones.

We have been approved to accept students from other countries and we are working with some Christian organizations to identify students who might be a good fit to come and study here.

Would you be willing to consider helping out in this way? If so, please send a brief email to Mrs. Sultzbach ( She will be keeping a list for me. Remember, saying “yes” now does not commit you to do anything, it just helps us know how many families might be interested in helping out in this way.

Topics: Education, Family