Strategic Plan

Posted by veritas on Oct 20, 2011 2:20:33 PM

Recently, I had a great question from a parent concerning our strategic plan: “So, how much will our tuition go up?” Here is my answer:

Great question! (You are the first, but other might have thought it.)

As we built this plan, we analyzed the increases in tuition over the last decade. We found that the average was around five percent annually. (I think that we have the lowest average increase as compared to others schools locally.) We found, however, that we were not consistent in our increases. We would have a year of 0% and then the next year we would have an increase of 10%. We want to move tuition forward predictably instead of jumping around. We are planning on raising tuition at around 5% annually. So, this plan does not include any increases in tuition at higher rates than has be true over the last 10 years. It does, however, mean moving it forward in a more disciplined and predictable manner.

There is, however, more to it than this. We are also working on increasing our levels of financial aid for people with needs. This will help ease increases for those in need. We know that for some families from year to year financial circumstances might change radically. We want to cushion those blows and help them stay the course. Also, we are going to work hard to increase our development giving and grow our school. As we do this well and as we discipline ourselves to set aside funds for scholarship and capital needs, we hope to make a classical Christian education as available as possible by keeping tuition as low as possible while meeting our other strategic goals.

Again, great question. If this spurs more, please send them to me.

Topics: Education