
Posted by veritas on Apr 3, 2012 8:26:06 AM

On Friday March 31st, our school served at the Global Aid Network. We had a blast. I will put up pictures next week. Every year we return I see more and more of the impact of this has on me, on our students, and on the world. Today we packed meals, clothes, supplies, and seeds. There was a seed spill at one point. The helper told us that it represented about 100 lbs. of food. It was a tiny spill. We packed 10,000 times the amount of the spill. That would translate into 1,000,000 pounds of food.

We have so much. We need not feel guilty about this. God blessed us with this plenty. Our forefathers blessed us with prosperity by their hard work. We should not feel guilty. We should feel the weight of responsibility to be like Christ who gave his life to save the needy.

Thank you for those that blessed our school by sponsoring. Your help and our work blessed many (and blessed us).

Topics: Education, Faith, Stewardship