Education Down; Pay Up

Posted by Ty Fischer on Sep 22, 2012 5:41:23 PM

I do not know if the School District of Lancaster should be renewing Pedro Rivera's contract. I do know this: the McCaskey District is struggling in any way that is measurable (no one disputes this) and Mr. Rivera's pay is high and headed north. What caused this? Hard to say. I do like two lines from the story in particular. After mentioning the pile of cash, sort of wild benefits, and perks that Mr. Rivera receives Brian Wallace says:

The perks are not uncommon for other superintendents in Lancaster County, according to published reports on contracts in other school districts.

You have to justify it somehow I guess.
The next line is even better. I am wondering if there was not some sort of irony in it:
The board also may award Rivera additional "incentive pay" for "attaining mutually agreed upon objectives," according to the contract.
We can all hope that much of his contract will move in that direction.

Topics: Education