School Choice Gaining Ground

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 14, 2012 10:25:17 AM

Now, those reading the blog know that I am of two minds concerning school choice. I am afraid that government involvement with the private and religious schools will corrupt us and end our independence (or make us dependents on the funds that the state supplies--See John Galt Forced to Run Government in Atlas Shrugged). I also can see the hand writing the walls concerning the future economic viability of public education as we know it. Smart governors are now trying to keep their state's from going belly up (they can not print money you see) by bringing accountability into the educational system by injecting some competition. This is good. Here are two stories that gained attention nationally this week--one from Indiana and the other from Montana.

Indiana Story

Montana Story

Change is coming...and we might as well prepare for it. It is crucial, I think, for good to result from this (and by good I mean the real fix that needs to come to American Education which is pushing it into a market and then finding creative ways for charity and business to support the education of the poor) that money flow back to parents instead from governments to schools.

The times they are a changing...

Topics: Education, Culture, Economy