Rhetoric and Manliness

Posted by veritas on Nov 30, 2010 8:49:23 AM

Mr. Reese sent me this link on rhetoric and masculinity. It is pointed toward the guys, but some of the reasons for learning rhetoric are applicable to girls as well.

Today, our culture’s vision of masculinity comes from the NFL. Too often, these men are either monsters or are real men who are sadly undereducated. Our forefathers would laugh at our ideas of masculinity. We make choices for our sons based on them winning the lottery (the genetic one albeit) and don’t give them the skills that they desperately need to be successful in our culture. Here is the link:

Classical Rhetoric 101 Article

One of the glories of classical Christian education is that we return to the more sane patters of the past and give our children the skills that match those that were given to their forefathers historically. We are returning to old paths, but ones that make so much sense for today.

Topics: Education, Culture