Please Pray for School of the Medes

Posted by veritas on Mar 3, 2012 12:04:46 PM

Dear Parents and Friends,

On March 1st, 2012, Jeremiah Small, a teacher at the Classical School of the Medes in the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq was killed by one of his students. The student took his own life, details are still coming in. Here is the email that Rob Spykstra, our Development Director sent out to our faculty and staff. Please pray for the School of the Medes and for the Small family.

Staff and Faculty,

God has given the School of the Medes a tremendous opportunity to show the love of Jesus Christ to their majority of Muslim students and families through the tragic shooting of one of their teachers.

For those who may not know, The Classical School of the Medes is a private Christian school in northern Iraq. The teaching staff and administration are all Christians. The school teaches the flow of western civilization which includes a clear teaching about Jesus Christ and Christianity. The students (500 students) are primarily Muslims (reportedly 95% Muslim student body) coming from influential Muslim families within northern Iraq.

Yesterday one of those students shot and killed a teacher. The story is being covered by World Magazine, headlined “Killed in Action.” Pray for the staff and administration’s response that they will show what only lives changed by God can show . . . grace and forgiveness. Pray that the gospel lived out will have its impact in the hearts and lives of these Muslim families. Of course pray for Jeremiah Small’s family.

Topics: Education, Faith, World Events