One of the Most Amazing People

Posted by veritas on Oct 5, 2010 2:55:52 PM

One of my alums at Veritas Academy sent me this link to an interview of Rene Girard by the Hoover Institute.

Girard is a obscure character, but one that you would do well to become acquainted with. He works in the field of sociology and anthropology (fields that are not full of believers). He is a respected professor and theoretician—and a believer. His books—particularly I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightening and The Scapegoat—have greatly affected my thinking about history and have helped me to see the radical transformation that Christianity (i.e., (in Girard speak) the resurrection of the innocent, murdered king) made in history. Jesus broke the old world. His new world is coming now. “All authority in heaven and on earth” has been given to Him.

I do not agree with Girard about everything, but he is an impressive, deep, thoughtful, vast intellect. This interview is a good teaser to reading his work.

Insights w/ Rene Girard

Topics: Culture, Faith, Politics