No Country for Young Men Either

Posted by veritas on Jan 26, 2011 2:46:20 PM

Last week, in the paper a story of almost unspeakable horror appeared on the front page. A doctor in Philadelphia was murdering pre-born babies, partially born babies, (maybe) fully born babies, and his office and equipment was so atrocious that the women were dying too. His office was called a “house of horrors”. The article is full of shock and disgust because he murders partially or fully born children by “snipping” their spinal column at the neck.

It is telling, isn’t it, that our culture is revolted by his murder of the partially born and ok with his murder of pre-born. If we can see it, it is a horror; if we cannot, it is a “constitutional right.” We are working up a fairly potent case of judicial blindness. The slow train of God’s judgment is coming down the track. We hear this and we don’t understand what this means. Here is my summary: The monsters are coming! The monsters are here! They have names like Kermit Gosnell and look respectable. And what is worse….we deserve it. We have winked and are winking at sexual stupidity. We try deftly to sweep the results under the rug, but the voices of the murdered children cry out from the ground. His ear hears their cry. The slow train is coming. It picks up speed every moment. No defense will be adequate to turn it away.

The article

Topics: Culture, Family