News from Veritas Academy

Posted by veritas on Aug 3, 2010 11:43:19 AM

I am pleased to announce that Veritas Academy is offering adult classes in the evenings in the fall and spring. We are offering classes in Omnibus—our study of the Great Books of Western Civilization. Omnibus is a distinctive method of reading and discussing the Great Books of Western Civilization. These books, starting, of course, with the Scriptures, have been the backbone of the great cultural heritage of Western Civilization that has come down to us. These ideas and their consequences have been foundational to the development of Christianity in the West and to the Founding of America. Today, sadly, too often these books and the ideas that they contain are little known in our culture—and our freedoms are being eroded because we do not know the truths of the Bible, the stories of the past, and the great wealth of wisdom handed down from one generation to the next in the Christian West. Omnibus is our attempt to recover these truths by introducing people to their cultural and historical forefathers, by understanding and appreciating the truths that they taught and the sacrifices that they made, and by working to apply timeless truth to our lives today. This method was developed at Veritas Academy over more than a decade and it is used by thousands of classical Christian students and teacher across the country and around the world.

These classes will provide interested adults an excellent opportunity to dig into the Great Books. The classes will blend lecture and integration activities helping adults place these events on a broader timeline, understand the art and architecture of each historical period, and will deepen their understanding of these books which have been so critical to the development of Christian Civilization in the West and particularly in America. Here is the reading list:

Course Offerings

Omnibus I, Ancient Reading

Fall Semester: Genesis, Exodus, Gilgamesh, Hammurabi, Readings from the Odyssey, Herodotus' Histories, C.S. Lewis' Till We Have Faces, and The Chronicles of Narnia.

Spring Semester: Readings from Livy’s Early History of Rome and the Aeneid, Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Revelation, and Kreeft’s The Best Things in Life.

Omnibus II, Medieval Reading:

Fall Semester: Selections from: Eusebius’ History of the Church, Augustine’s Confession, Athanasius’ On the Incarnation, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain, along with Beowulf, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Spring Semester: Shakespeare's MacBeth, along with selections from Dante's Inferno, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the Song of Roland and the Lord of the Rings.


These courses will be taught by Veritas Academy faculty members Chris Walker (Omnibus I) and Graham Dennis (Omnibus II). Mr. Walker is a graduate of Hillsdale College with a B.A. in Classics and Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia with his Master's of Arts in Religion. Mr. Dennis graduated from the University of South Carolina with a B.A. in philosophy; he also studied classics at the University of South Carolina, and theology and Biblical languages at Columbia Bible College and Friedrichshaffen Biblical Studies Institute (Germany). He also earned a Master's of Philosophy at Boston College.


The classes will be held at Veritas Academy from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Thursday nights. Fall classes will be held each Thursday starting on September 16th and ending November 4th. The Spring session will begin on February 24th and continue through April 14th.

Cost and Early Registration Discount

Each course will cost $185 per semester ($200 if you sign up after August 30th), but if you sign up for both a Fall and Spring Course we will give you the discounted price of $350. Books will be provided for the class (with an option to purchase). Child care will be provided for a nominal fee.

Class size is very limited, so please sign up now if would like to participate.

If you would like to register for classes contact the Veritas Academy school officer at 717-556-0690 or email us at

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