Take a Tour of the New Veritas Website!

Posted by Jonathan Daughtrey on Mar 19, 2017 8:28:05 PM

Welcome to the New Veritas Academy Website!

We are excited about the launch of our new website at www.veritasacademy.com. While the address is the same as it always has been, there are many new features. Our school is a living, breathing community of people seeking to honor Christ together, and the goal of this new site is to capture the flavor of our community in a format that is both winsome and effecient. We hope you enjoy!

Make sure that you are especially aware of the following items:

School Intro Video: Check out this video that captures the spirit of our school so well. The play button is in the middle of the main home screen.

Parent Links Section: Many helpful docs, forms, and info for new and long-time parents in this new section. It is found in the uppermost menu bar on the right.

New Images: Many thanks to the photographers that have infused the new site full of classy images of our community.

School Calendar: Now accessed through the red link halfway down on the homepage AND under Parent Links.

More Information: Peruse the menu items for a lot more information than ever before on our website. 

We have put together the included video (below) to give you a virtual tour of where to find your old favorite destinations as well as get up to speed on what's new.



Topics: website