N. D. Wilson Visit! Sam Miracle a Great Christmas Idea

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 21, 2016 8:28:28 AM


We are so excited that ND Wilson will be visiting on Tuesday. Many of our teachers are going to be reading a chapter or two of Outlaws of Time: the Legend of Sam Miracle as a introduction before ND Wilson arrives. I am writing for two reasons:

1. Think Ahead about Christmas and Consider Getting a signed Sam Miracle! 

I know that you are (like me) looking for great Christmas ideas for your kids. Consider getting a signed hardback copy of this book for your child for Christmas. We are running the book at the Amazon price and you get a signed copy! I bet that your kids are going to love these books even more after they meet ND Wilson. If you want the gift to be a Christmas surprise, please note this when you order the book from Ginny...and let us know who the book is for so that ND Wilson can inscribe it to the correct person. Contact Ginny at receptionist@veritasacademy.com

2. We are going to be inviting some classical homeschool students to come to the event as well, so the remaining books might go very fast after the invite goes out....so order now if you want one. 

There were a number of other classical schools who were trying to come. We might have a few of them visiting, but we are going to invite some members of the classical homeschool community today (if you know one interested in coming having them RSVP to Ginny at receptionist@veritasacademy.com). Spaces are limited! When I send out the invite, I am expecting the remaining books to go quickly. Don't hold off to the last moment to order... becasue the books will likely be gone! 

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