More Letters to the Editor about Gil's Visit

Posted by veritas on Apr 4, 2012 5:20:49 AM

Learning experience
In response to a letter [March 11], it was my understanding that Gil Smart had been invited to Veritas Academy by the headmaster, not sent there to "promote a gay agenda." I commend the headmaster, G. Tyler Fischer, for welcoming an open discussion on a culturally relevant topic. Whether or not you are in favor of gay marriage, it is a valuable educational experience for these students to learn the critical thinking skills found in a serious debate. Being able to argue either side of an issue, as well as being able to open one's mind enough to hear another's point of view, is a gift these students will take into their adult lives.

In regard to the "perverted" comment: As a lesbian, who is also a mom, daughter, sister, aunt and friend, I take exception to this offensive label. Perverted can refer to "unacceptable practices or tendencies," such as child sexual abuse or rape. There is no perversion in loving another human being, whether they are the same, or opposite, sex. Love is compassion, kindness and service focused on another's happiness.

-- Michelle Bankard Probolus, Lancaster

Need more of Gil
Based on letters to the editor, it appears that a huge percentage of time for the locals, is spent reading the Bible; I suggest the "religious" of Lancaster County spend at least an equal amount of time thinking. It seems that the students at Veritas Academy have been taught to abandon thinking and instead, adopt the beliefs of the school and presumably their parents, without question/questioning. In my not so humble opinion, Gil needs to appear more frequently in front of the people to encourage thinking. -- Ann Wood, Leola

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