Letters to the Local Newspaper Editors about Gil Smart's visit to Veritas

Posted by veritas on Mar 30, 2012 5:55:01 AM

Just in case you missed these from the March 18th letters to the editors:

Encourage Conversations

I affirm Ty Fischer; Gil Smart and the students from Veritas Academy for their civil discourse as reported in Gil Smart’s columns March 4 and 11. It was valuable for these students to engage their skills in logic and rhetoric on important issues. Let’s encourage other conversations between the readership and Gil to be conducted in such a respectful manner. – Keith Yoder, Leola

Column for Students

Gil Smart’s columns usually seem to be written by a stenographer for Move-On.org, parroting the emotional and mean-spirited ranting of that ilk of “progressives.” The column of March 11 was quite different: logical, original in content, very mature in expression and extremely kind-spirited. One must realize that the column was largely the result of original thinking of students at Veritas Academy and not the usual emotional writings of Gil. What a nice change; perhaps you should replace Gil’s column once or twice a month with original thoughts by these same students. – Jim Nissley, Lititz

Topics: Education, Democracy, Local News