Kindergarten and Attendance Law

Posted by veritas on Apr 1, 2013 5:54:49 PM

I caught this article a few weeks back and wanted to pass it along:

Kindergarteners Subject to Mandatory Attendance Laws

I guess that we are becoming numb to this, but the overreaching nature of things like this should be questioned. The thought that someone would be punished if they had the audacity to go on a vacation during the school year with their child. It seems that the school imagines that it needs to protect children from their parents. Again, don't get me wrong. There are parents that are such bad parents that children need to be protected from them. I would prefer that this protection mainly takes under the authority of the church or the police. Laws like this one take the worst case scenarios and create laws that are applied then to all people. That we are cowed by this is frightening to me.

At Veritas, if you want to go on vacation or a mission trip or college visits, we work to support your family. There have been times when students have been gone so much (usually for illness) that we have to tell people that the students are going to have to go to tutoring to get caught up. The point is though that for all normal circumstances we look to serve the parents and support what they are trying to do. Because of this our students get to take advantage of some extraordinary opportunities. One student just got back from a trip to India with her father where they worked to with a Bible publishing organization to get Bibles and aid into remote regions.



Topics: Education, Family