It's the End of the World as We Know It

Posted by veritas on May 23, 2011 8:18:25 AM

Today is Judgment Day according to the radio teacher Harold Camping. I am writing this post before 6pm (it won’t post for the next few days).

I have not had any time to pay attention to Mr. Camping’s prophecies (or others), but did read about it in the paper this morning and it was discussed at the All Saints’ Church Men’s Group. I do not believe that Christ is returning today. He is ruling and will rule until His enemies are place under His feet. I am still counting too many enemies to be too hopeful. I would not be sad, however, if I were wrong. Come Lord Jesus!

As I thought about it today, there are some really troubling trends in Protestantism Evangelical (and Reformed—Mr. Camping is from my tradition) today. It is depressing to consider what is going on. We are a body so divided that we have no immune system. Mr. Camping is anti-ecclesiastical (telling people that Satan is in charge of the visible church). He instructs people to leave their local churches and, ironically “turn on, tune in (to the radio), and drop out.” As we listened to Mr. Camping this morning (Dr. Strawbridge, my pastor and technological wizard had a video interview for us to watch) I could feel nothing but pity for this sincere, but misguided man. I also felt sad for all those who will begin this day with hope of seeing Christ and will end it in dissolution. I was despairing concerning a people and a nation that is so tied up in the scandalous, the sensational, and the odd that we cannot or will not do things that are simple and clear. The point of the Christian life is for Christ to live through us as long as we have breath. It is not to figure out when the end of the world is coming. Luther was asked once (in more tumultuous times than the present) what he would do if he knew that Christ was coming again that day. He answered, as only he could, that he would plant a tree. I am going out to mow the lawn now—which today turns out to be an act of faith.

Classical Christian education does not center education on discussion of the end times. It does, however, give a ballast for times such as these. Ideas like Camping’s are prominent today, and they have been at other times in history. They have also all, without fail, been wrong. Knowing this can help people have the stability to live every day faithfully as we await His return.

Topics: Education, Culture, Faith, World Events