Incredible Blessing $60K in OSTC Scholarships Now Available

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 15, 2016 12:51:26 PM


Classical Christian education is great for the children of our community. It is our mission to cultivate loving, serving, thinking students. It is our passion to make this incredible education available as broadly as we can. Recently, something incredible happened: our business partners provided $60,000 in scholarships for students who are served by struggling public schools. 

How did this great blessing come about?

The state of Pennsylvania has an incredible program called the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program. This program allows businesses to divert some of their tax dollars to scholarships for students at private and Christian schools like Veritas. 

Last year our business partners' giving was actually more than $30,000 greater than the need that we had for OSTC scholarships. In addition, we recently and unexpectedly had approvals for almost $30,000 more from last year's tax credits. (You might remember that the state budget in PA last year held up all sorts of educational funding, so we did not learn about this approval until June!) 

That means we have $60,000 in funds ready and waiting to be used to support scholarships for OSTC eligible students. 

Who is eligible?

Families served by public schools ranking in the bottom 15% of PSSA testing are eligible for these scholarships. In Lancaster County, you might be eligible if you are in the School Districts of Lancaster. One note, home school families who are served by these schools are also eligible for these scholarships. Basically, the scholarship is a way for people to have other options for their children. 

How can you help?

We need your help to find families who can benefit from these scholarships. We know that there are families who would love to give their children a classical Christian education, but might not think that they can afford it. These funds give us the ability to help families make this desire a reality. 

If you are a family who is interested in Veritas or who wants to know if you qualify for these funds, please click on the link below. If you know a family who might qualify and would love to try Veritas, please forward a link to this email to them or have them call Veritas directly. 

We are so thankful for business partners and their willingness to provide for the children of Lancaster County! We are thankful for this blessing and we are determined to pass this blessing along to as many families as possible! 

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Topics: Scholarships