Homework Survey Summary

Posted by veritas on Nov 19, 2014 6:22:10 AM

Homework Survey Feedback

We wanted to pass along the results of our recent homework survey. We were thankful for your engagement and feedback.

At Veritas Academy, we look for the homework load to generally following these guidelines for homework per night:

  • Kindergarten-4th Grade: No homework assigned.
  • 5th-6th grade: 0 to 30 minutes of homework
  • 7th and 8th grade: 1 hour of homework.
  • 9th through 12th: 1 to 2 hours.

As we got feedback form you, we were encouraged that we were near our guidelines for most students and grades. Some grades, however, had a few students whose time on homework was higher than our guidelines. If your child is struggling, remember, that the surveys were anonymous, so if you are having a problem with the homework load, please make sure and talk with your teacher. We went over the survey in a faculty meeting, so that each of our teachers could see where each grade stood.

We did find one grade, ninth, where the report was consistently high. When we get feedback like this, the faculty works together to try to alter our practice to move closer to the guidelines for most of our students.

We plan to run this survey again in January and look forward to your feedback in the New Year. Your feedback is a really crucial. Thank you again for taking the time to complete the survey.