Hitting the Ceiling

Posted by veritas on Jul 25, 2011 2:39:23 PM

I have not written on the debt ceiling because I am not sure what I would do. I understand debt in principle. In the long term . . . .

In the long term you have to bring in more than you spend. I do not believe that all debt is wrong. I do think that in the long run the borrower is the slave of the lender. I am sort of astounded by the politics of the thing. The Republicans (the party I find most affinity with most of the time) raised the debt limit seven times under George W. Bush. They could have been fiscally conservative then. President Obama, who is now concerned about the debt, must have undergone some sort of epiphany. He has been spending at a rate that would cause our Founders to stick with Britain and not found this new country. It is horrifying for all these august looking people to thunder away on principles that they obviously did not hold only a few years—or even a month—ago. They think that this sort of pontificating will fool the people, and, sadly, it seems to work. We, the people, seem to have some sort of unbelievable amnesia. It looks to me like the progression of Romans 1 judicial blindness.

Here is the conclusion that I am reaching. I do not think that this system will fail. The powers that be (in Washington and New York) have too much at stake. These powers increasingly have little connection to the people that they are fleecing in the middle of the Country (from Lancaster County to eastern Washington and Oregon). America is becoming a battery to power the aspirations of these powers. The system will not fail, but for the people to have freedom it probably needs to fail.

As an educator at a school that loves Christ and the personal freedom and responsibility that flows from the Bible and the commitments of the West, I am working to make my students ready to bear freedom. I hope to give them a taste for it and a longing for it. Someday, maybe, they can have more of it than we have now. I am afraid that they might suffer much for the folly that we are allowing both in the recent past and in our day.

Topics: Education, President Obama, Economy, Stewardship, Politics