Hat’s Off and the Plunge through the Looking Glass

Posted by veritas on May 18, 2011 10:23:33 AM

This week, there was news in the paper that the teachers in the Conestoga Valley Districts (where Veritas Academy resides and where my family lives) have agreed to a decreased salary increase next year. This will save the district about $300,000. Two points:First, remember that everything means the opposite of what it seems to mean in education (a.k.a., the Plunge through the Looking Glass). This sounds like an economic concession by the teacher’s union. It is not. I think that this is a smart move rhetorically because it sounds like a concession. The small print, however, tells the real story. This deal extends the contract by a year. If I were the teacher’s union, I would take salary cuts for the next 5 years if I could just keep extending the contract. The renegotiation of the contract is where real cuts can be made. This is a wise move by the teachers.

Second, Hat’s Off to Kim Seldomridge, the business manager of the CV District (and an old friend). He prudently started setting aside funds to ease (not fix because it cannot be fixed) the jolt that the district would feel as the cost of funding more retirement benefits for teachers skyrockets. These funds are allowing CV to avoid staggering tax increases with fewer cuts to staff and program. As a CV taxpayer, I am thankful for the work that he is doing.

Topics: Education, Economy, Local News