Governor Weighing In On Education

Posted by veritas on May 12, 2011 2:15:45 PM

In this week's paper there was a very interesting story about Governor Corbett. The PA House and Senate have two of the most interesting educational reform bills floating around in them. Senate Bill 1 starts a voucher program in PA—beginning with needy kids in failed districts and expanding (possibly) to middle class people in 5 years. The other is House Bill 1330. It doubles and redoubles the Educational Improvement Tax Credit in the next 2 years from 53 million to 200 million. There are things to like about both bills. In the topsy-turvy world of state budgets both of these bills save the tax-payer money.

The real question for me has been whether Governor Corbett will shepherd these ideas through to completion. Early observations have been unclear. Governor Corbett has been vaguely supportive, but not charging forward (in all areas but the non-taxing of Marcellus Shale). In the story in today’s paper seems to indicate that the Governor is going to support both bills. If he does, and if they are passed, education (and the state of PA) will be changed greatly over the next 10 years. I have concerns about both these bills, but I am beginning to wonder what a free market education system would look like. (There are no children in Atlas Shrugged! No help there.)

Topics: Education, Economy, Local News