Five Temptations for Classical Christian Education; Part 3

Posted by veritas on Nov 24, 2012 7:42:35 AM

In Brian Douglas' fine article in First Thing on temptations facing classical Christian education, he outlines dangers facing schools like Veritas. The first one (see part 2) is on adopting worldly standards of success. The last one deserves further comment as well. It is:

The final temptation is to assume that a classical Christian school will automatically influence a student more than the broader culture.

This is a crucial item that parents must consider. Some send their children to Christian schools or to classical Christian schools because they think that it will somehow completely destroy negative cultural influences. They can take their hand off the tiller driving their families and let Veritas do the work. This idea is folly, but I have seen it play out. Parents must engage their children. They must meet them in love and fill their family life with hopeful joy. Parents and the school and the church can be a counter balance to the culture, but only if they all pull in the same way. Even then the gravity of the culture is immense. None of us (even the Amish) are unscathed.

I highly recommend this article. It is a great read.

Topics: Education