Five Temptations for Classical Christian Education; Part 2

Posted by veritas on Nov 21, 2012 9:47:16 AM

This is my ongoing analysis of Brian Douglass' excellent article on the temptations that CCe faces presently. It is a challenging and insightful article. The first temptation is success--or adopting the wrong standard for success. This is so important because failing at this point precludes the possibility of future blessing. We stop being what God has called us to be: schools trusting in His promises and goodness to us. When we adopt worldly standards of success and pray that God blesses us in our pursuit of those standards we are like a son who asks (nay, pleads) with his father for a stone or a scorpion. What is the good father to do? We fail at that point to see that blessing would actually equal cursing.

This temptation is most dangerous because, sadly, most parents come to us with these standards in their mind. They want success that equals beautiful facilities, great SAT scores, the blessing of prestigious colleges and universities. None of these are bad, but they are the sizzle. We need to care about the steak. The benediction and blessing that we should be seeking is the "Well done, good and faithful servant" from our Lord.

I am not against wonderful facilities, super SAT scores, and students going to Ivy League Schools (or being academically capable enough to be competitive for acceptance). These things should be happening, but success is not this. Success is contentment with God's blessing and presence with us in our work, students who deeply love and honor the truth, and are prepared to love, serve, and think in our culture!

Such good words!

Topics: Education