Education and Money

Posted by veritas on Apr 11, 2012 12:25:48 PM

Here is a link to a recent editorial written BY the Lancaster papers (it is important that it was written by the editorial staff because it shows a changing opinion inside the paper). It points out what we should all know: that public school unions are more and more about protecting money and less and less about anything that smells anything like educational reform or excellence. This year $4.2 million is being paid out to politicians by the PSEA (Pennsylvanian State Educational Association). This is mainly being done to support or elect people that will keep the river (increasing river) of tax dollars flowing into the coffers of the, you guessed it, PSEA. The unholy alliance of government and public education is going to be broken. It has stopped making any sense. It is built on economic dishonesties—i.e., we have made promises that we cannot keep. The real question now is not whether public education is going to break. It is whether our state governments will be broken by it before they tell the truth. Here is the article.

Topics: Education, Economy, Local News