Classical Christian Education: Evidence of Epiphany

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 6, 2009 4:06:16 AM
January 6, 2009
This week the church celebrated Epiphany which remembers the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus. At Epiphany we remember that Jesus is the Light of the world and that His birth is the beginning of the Gentile nations being called into God’s people. I grew up in an environment where this holiday was not celebrated. It has been interesting this year to think about it more. I also have some hopeful news . . . . 

The work of discipling the nations is going on. While sometimes it seems that the church is languishing here in


, the gospel is flourishing in other parts of the world. The nations are being discipled. Some of most hopeful news that I have seen recently has been about the work going on in classical Christian schools like ours that are spreading out across the globe. The most recent issue of the 

ACCS Newsletter Classis highlights some of these schools. Classical schools are growing and flourishing in places like
and in the Kurdish regions of
Northern Iraq
. Last year, one of our fathers was doing some work with a missions organization in
and actually took a care package to our sister school there—
The Classical School of the Medes. The light of the gospel is going out into the world. Muslim children in


are being taught about Christ…and they are munching on some Wilbur buds while they are learning.