To the Mission Field Anyone

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 4, 2012 10:37:01 AM

I am intrigued by the TED talks. Here is one that might be controversial. It advocates an undercutting approach to terrorism (fighting for the hearts and minds of the people who support terrorism instead of using the military to try to root them out). I do not agree with all of it, but some of it is, I think, a backhanded call for people to go to the mission field.

Here is what I mean. In the field, missionaries suffer and die (some are martyred) in Muslim countries. The blood of martyrs does more, however, than any bomb. It proves that we love our brothers even as they are killing us. We give our lives for theirs. The speaker here, Jason McCue, is arguing from a secular point of view, but his good ideas will only work in the long run if they are connected to Christ. Here is the video:

Jason McCue: Terrorism is a failed brand


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