A Foundation For Growth

Why do we call kindergarten through 6th grade "Grammar School?" Does it mean we really get excited about sentence structure and punctuation?

Yes, the term "Grammar School" may be a bit unfamiliar to many nowadays. And, yes, while we do instill those crucial rules of language, that's not the crux of what "grammar" means here.

The word "grammar" is also defined as "the basic elements of an area of knowledge or skill." That is what we impart in Grammar School at Veritas Academy and in Classical Christian Schools across the world. We provide kids with the tools of knowledge they need as a foundation to build upon as they grow into the more advanced Logic and Rhetoric Stages, where they can dive deeper into that knowledge and learn how to wisely apply it through reasoning and dialectic.

Igniting the Joy of Learning

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It's often been said that children are like sponges, readily absorbing the facts and experiences around them. They delight in devouring new and exciting ideas, and then spouting out their newfound knowledge for all to hear. 

Classical Christian Education takes advantage of this unique stage in a child's development, focusing on dynamic memorization in a myriad of subjects including history, geography, grammar, spelling, math, and Latin.

Students learn in an immersive, vibrant, exciting environment that ignites their passions for the subjects they're taught. Using songs, chants, games, curriculum-enhancing field trips, immersive feasts and special events, stories, role play and more, kids find this type of school engaging, exciting, and altogether enjoyable.   

Click on a Grade Below To Find Out More









What Makes Grammar School Different?

You'll find that the culture and curriculum at a Classical Christian School is quite unlike any other school you've experienced. Our teachers and parents will attest to the fact that the timeless, proven methods employed here are not only remarkably effective, but they are meant to withstand the test of time and make learning a joy for kids and teachers alike.

Here are some hallmarks you'll find in Veritas Grammar School:

  • Memorization
    • As mentioned earlier, memorization plays a big part in our curriculum...because it works! The vast amount of knowledge our students pick up by sixth grade is mind-blowing. They will recount every major world history event from creation through modern America, tell you what was happening in Bible and church history during each time, identify every country on a blank world map, recite the rules of grammar, translate Latin, and so much more. They do this through songs, movement, chants, repetition, and fun activities that help cement this knowledge. You can read more about that in this blog post.
  • Cumulative, Immersive History
    • Each grade studies a distinct part of history, with the next grade's studies building upon the previous. Their classrooms, literature, and entire theme for the year revolve around that aspect of history and culture, helping to create meaningful, long-lasting understanding of their lessons. They also learn Biblical and church history alongside secular events, helping them to place stories into context and enriching their faith.


  • Penmanship
    • Yep, we teach kids cursive, and encourage them to write beautifully and neatly. Not only does this help with brain development and motor skills, it reinforces their learning, connects them to the past, draws out the art and beauty of writing, and will ultimately prove beneficial to them as they grow and hope to read historical or legal documents and more.
  • Mathematics Facts and Skills
    • Classically educated kids are often about a year ahead of their traditionally-educated peers in math by the time they leave sixth grade. Through early repetition and memorization of math facts and a proven, dedicated curriculum, classes learn math quickly and effectively. Our small class sizes and dedicated teachers help ensure that all kids stay on pace. Oh, and no, we don't use Common Core.
  • Phonics
    • In recent decades, schools have drifted away from teaching Phonics, to the detriment of kids' ability to decode our language. Kindergarten and first grade reading curriculum relies heavily on teaching phonics - the rules of sounds, blends, and more - to help kids understand early how to figure out words, not by guessing according to pictures or always relying on cues, but truly understanding how to form and read the words. Our phonics reader books each emphasize the principle the kids are learning during that period, helping them develop a strong foundation early in their education.


  • Literature
    • Speaking of a strong foundation in reading, Classically educated kids need it for sure. Our students read books that are traditionally up to a grade or two above their level, and they devour these books with excitement. For example, second grade reads Little House on the Prairie, third grade reads The Chronicles of Narnia, fourth graders read Beowulf (yes, the real Beowulf epic poem of the Middle Ages). When you consider that, in secondary school, our students will tackle no less than 175 texts - most of which are considered some of world's most profound masterpieces - this foundation in reading serves students will into high school and beyond.
  • Latin
    • Latin is far from dead at Veritas Academy. In fact, it's very much alive, and being used to help students understand history, language, and vocabulary. Their study of Latin now will serve them well as they go on to learn other languages in secondary school, and help them understand the ancient texts they will read later in school as well.


  • Fine Arts
    • As a Classical Christian School in the great liberal arts tradition, Veritas values all subjects that reflect God's truth, beauty, and goodness. We believe that giving students the opportunity to pursue those virtues is critical to their development as well rounded image-bearers of Christ. Therefore, you will not find any "cuts" to fine arts programs at Veritas. Students attend regular music and art classes, and are each given the opportunity to learn a stringed instrument in our high quality Strings Explorers program and Grammar School orchestra. 
  • Science
    • First through third grade students have one science class per week, and fourth through sixth graders get two science classes per week, all taught from a Biblical perspective that awakens and feeds a child's sense of wonder and excitement about the world God has created.

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What Comes Next?

Explore the Next Two Stages of the Classical Trivium

Grammar School is just the beginning.

Once students are equipped with that basic knowledge, it's time to go further and deeper.

The next two stages will continue to cultivate wisdom and virtue in these young men and women. Fan the flame of a lifelong love of learning. And do it in a way that captures the unique strengths a child has at each stage in their development as they mature.

Logic Grades 7-9

Middle schoolers love to question everything. Classical Christian education channels this to help them question well and answer well. It's a whole different kind of middle school, designed to impart joyful learning and develop solid critical thinking skills in their developing minds.

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Finally, we put it all together. They have the knowledge. They're honing the critical thinking skills. And now they practice imparting it to the world. A rhetoric-centered training teaches young men and women to use words wisely, to communicate with clarity and purpose, and to speak the truth in love in order to change the world for good.